We are living in a technological period. We can’t stay away and ignore technology and it has become a fundamental part of life. It has transformed the whole world. It has changed the mainstream mentality of, society and people. It has a greater influence in every field. We can see the enchanting and the role of technology in every field. It has changed our lifestyle and thinking perception. There is no doubt that technology has been responsible for creating remarkably precious resources which put all the information we require at our fingertips. Developments in technology have given us many mind-blowing and unbelievable discoveries, better living facilities, luxury, and changed our daily lives. We can observe and feel its influence in every field such as economical, manufacturing, commerce, financial, societal, personal, educational industries etc. It raised our standard of livelihood and standard of education. It has invented and brought new and highly developed tools and devices which can be linked to the internet by this means it has changed the way we communicate, we play, we shop, we learn and also the way we behave. Technology has brought massive change in every field and its high light especially we can see in the educational field. Technology really helped to raise the quality of education and changed whole learning and teaching methods and made it more effective and made students concentrate on learning and involved them in the process of learning.

Different Source of Materials Are Available
Technology gave the different source of study materials. In olden days students have to mainly focus on the textbook. They didn’t have any other source of information about the particular topic but after the invention of new technological devices, students can get any information without wasting their time and energy. They can learn wherever they want and whenever they want. They don’t need to wait as new devices are there and web browsers are very useful to collect and search for new information’s. One can read irrespective of time and place. Technology really helped introvert students who feel fear and hesitation to ask their doubts and questions without any hesitation and worry they can use computers and web browsers to solve their doubts and get an answer to the particular question. By this technology helped to widen the education process and break all boundaries which are necessary to live a successful life.
Increased Academic Performance
Technology has enhanced the academic performance of the students. The system and the way learners are learning changed completely. Now students are not leaning on old traditional method and teaching method. They simplified their learning process by accepting a new trend of technology. Now students have a tendency to individual learning. They can learn in their free time and not much depending on textbooks and other materials. Every facility is offered and given by new technological trends. The learning process looks completely changed now. Today’s learning and teaching process is more linked and connected to real life experience and personalized education. The method the learners and students are learning is changing completely. Individual learning is given importance. Through the help of technology and e-learning process students can focus and learn according to their comfort and time and also speed. In the old traditional teaching method, the teacher will have to collaborate discuss and teach one topic. But now teachers can adopt new interesting teaching methods which will attract the student. Through active class discussion, it increased ones confidence and intelligence level. Slow learners are also benefited by this new technological development in the learning process this will result in improved academic performance. It also helped to share the information from one place to another place rapidly without wasting time. Education process has widened with the influence of technology.
Increased Quality of Education
By using educational technological device teachers are able to construct a learning atmosphere for the students so that it will compose them flexible and do their work in the workplace without any hindrance and teachers can provide real-life experience. This will make them more confidence and efficient in every field. It’s very essential to show efficiency and quality in your learning as well as in professional process. In every sense, we can declare that technology has brought an enormous change in the educational field and helped students making their learning process easy going and score good and improved academic performance. Every student wishes to score and perform well in academic career. Some do it and some are not able to do it. So by providing and encouraging individual learning environment it really helped such students to learn according to their swiftness and according to their understanding level. Educational technologies are not less than a miracle and its magic is shown in every field by raising the people confidence and their quality of knowledge.
Encouraged Distance Education
The influence of information technology in the educational field also encouraged distance learning course. It has increased the opportunities for learning. It has increased the opportunity for home-based learning. People who drop their educational career or interested to study further they can find opportunity in distance education. It supplies all materials and information and also supplies with online lecturing. One can get an education without time limit and without considering the age limit. It really helped to widen the educational process. They can study when they get time and they will feel free and flexible to study what they want. It’s an easy and flexible way of learning.
Increased Teachers As well As Learner’s Confidence
Students, as well as teachers, use technological strategy in the classroom to present their coaching more attractive and attractive. Teachers now a day’s use technological devices as an alternative for textbooks. Teachers can use the internet to refer to lessons and use fresh strategies and innovative planning to make their teaching easy and clear. Some students gain knowledge quickly by listening and some learn quickly by observing and seeing. By understanding this teacher has accepted their teaching techniques. Teachers use multimedia devices instead of textbooks to reach out to every student and construct them confident in the learning process. Teachers use visual learning aids, animations, illustration, narration, presentation etc. It actually helped to learn successfully.
In olden days they have to carry a load of books and have to carry them wherever they go. But now students don’t have to weigh the burden of books they can own their own E-books which will facilitate them to reduce the book load. If they are sitting at a bus stop, in an open space in the coffee shop they can unlock E-book and do their studies whenever they need and wherever they want. So we can say that the influence of technology has really changed the out cut of education. Up to date information’s are gathered and the use of computer devices makes information more accurate and quality one. Nothing can be replaced instead of technological devices. As the world changes according to that our coming generations education quality should change and should be able to face the future competition. Technology is able to satisfy the different needs of different learners. As every learner is unique and has their liking and talent. Their taste and interest are different so according to that technology should meet everyone’s needs and satisfy them. Information technology fulfills everyone’s needs and helps every learner to achieve their dreams and live a successful life with quality education.
Author Bio:
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