While most people quietly enjoy the summer, barbecue out back and plan a vacation by the sea, we are preparing for the new, which will bring 2019 for Internet marketing. Do you think it is early? The time of the new year marketing activities will come before you could say Jack Robinson, and then you will read the article on trends in our blog again, but already in 2020.
Chatbots will become commonplace
In 2016, we were amazed at the first chatbots. In 2017 we began to be interested in them and gradually introduce them to the business. Today we are surprised at the possibilities of this technology. Besides, in 2019 chatbots will become commonplace.
There is no business area where this technology is not useful. Chatbots help you order food at home, choose clothes, book tickets and advise customers. You can even chat with them “for life.” And this is not the limit! In 2019, chatbots will reach a new level of development, and more and more companies will start using them to improve interaction with the audience.
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Instead of Ivan Ivanov, a cartoon monster and a cute puppy meet users on the website.
According to a LivePerson study, only 19% of the 5,000 people surveyed had a negative experience with chatbots. Besides, 33% of people responded positively, and 48% remained indifferent until the chatbot solved their problem.
Keep up with the fashion: use “smart robots” if you have not done it yet. Moreover, the development and implementation of this technology are relatively simple, and the costs of creating and setting up a chatbot pay off pretty quickly.
Augmented Reality

In 2019, the line between the real and the digital world will be gone even more. And this will happen thanks to the technology of Augmented Reality (Augmented Reality), which is already gaining momentum.
AR-technology will be a new powerful tool to attract customers. because especially useful is the augmented reality in those areas of business where it is essential for consumers to evaluate products in the real world. For example, for brands of clothing, cosmetics, and furniture manufacturers.
IKEA has long been successfully applying this technology by developing a unique Place application for smartphones. A person can choose a piece of furniture that interests him and see how it will look in the interior.
The development of elements of augmented reality is difficult and expensive, and so far not every online business can afford such technology. However, time passes by and, perhaps; next year we will see how augmented reality will become more accessible.
Influencer marketing from a new angle
Influencer marketing is a cool thing. However, in the last couple of years, they have begun to abuse it so much that its effectiveness is decreasing. Now users suspect that every recommendation on the Internet is an arrogant way to sell something to them, hiding behind an influential person.
The audience is no longer so willing to believe in Instagram stars, who claim that this cocktail will help you lose 20 kg in a week, as well as wonder strips will make your teeth snow white like Ross from Friends TV-series:
Last year, the US Federal Trade Commission sent out more than 90 written warnings to the consumers, including Kim Kardashian, who is well known on Instagram. In the letter, they asked them to explicitly and indicate to their subscribers the relationship they have with the brand, the products of which they speak on their pages on social networks.
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Therefore, an influencer-marketing strategy should change in 2019 to continue to gain the trust and loyalty of the audience, rather than skepticism and adverse reactions.
Live video

According to a Livestream survey, 80% of users prefer to watch live video from a brand than read a post on social networks. because more than half of marketers worldwide have recognized video content that gives the highest ROI.
In 2019, live broadcasts will become an even more popular method for attracting the attention of the audience. Moreover, live video is maximally accessible even to the smallest business, since it does not require enormous financial and time costs.
The simplicity, the absence of any processing or editing makes this video format very soulful and close to Internet users. This approach helps brands become more open and accessible to the audience.
Broadcast live in 2019 to earn more trust and loyalty from potential customers.

Interactive Experiences
These experiences are more effective than traditional. The reason for this is that interactive experiences forces the user to participate and interact with the brand, and this is the ultimate goal of any advertising activity.
See how exciting companies are using interactive tools to engage users.
For example, Better Homes & Gardens offer anyone who wants to try himself as a landscape designer and create an online dream garden.
To draw attention to energy issues, Shell Company has developed an interactive web page where you can shuffle your music video. Warning! Sticking is guaranteed!
In 2019, create content that your audience wants to interact. Moreover, it can be not only such complex projects, as well as in the examples above. Surveys, info-graphics, quizzes, and tests are also interactive formats, and it fascinates people.
As you can see, 2019 will not be a year of digital revolution. Those technologies and techniques, which we discussed above, appeared a few years ago. Only this year they will become real trends, without which modern online businesses cannot exist.
About the author: Melisa Marzett has all the required for marketing specialist skills, which is why she has an opinion on this matter. Currently working as a writer for onlineclassmentor – professional online writer, she gives full value to each word.