As we know technology has become an integral part of every individual’s life. More than 85%of population use technology which makes their life easy going one. Special teenage and young generation use technology deeply and they can’t avoid the use of technology because it is something which makes our life easy and helps every individual to achieve their aim and goal. We can see the impact of technology in every field, whether it is business economical or even in the educational field. In the educational first people hesitated using technological devices in the classroom and learning institutions because they thought that it will divert the children’s mind over learning but as time passed they come to know the impact of technology on educational system which helped to improve the quality of teaching and provide quality education for the students. No, we can see that students deeply influenced by the technological devices and they use it for their educational purpose which is good for their learning. But if they use it unlimitedly it will affect their mind and body so certain limitation must be kept in such cases. That must be observed by the teachers and parents. Some students expertly use technological devices which makes them smart and unique.
How Internet Technology Making Students More Intelligent
Increases the memory power
As in the technological devices, students will get what they need from their single touch. Through Google and search engine they will get all necessary information. When they personally type and search for the particular purpose and when they will get the answer it deeply fixed in their mind. They will be able to memorize each link and steps that they took for the search of particular information. They no need t wait for the instruction of the teacher or educator. They themselves will search and will collect the necessary information’s. And the pasteurized presentation of the subject will make them more interesting because we know that the visual image affects the children’s mind positively and they will be able to memorize what they learned.
Improve writing ability
As we know technology helps the students by giving a different platform to present their creative writing and creative skills. For examples social Medias Blog and other networking sites through which they can post their ideas and skills and will get a positive comment on it. Such a platform is always encouraging the students to write a good article and present their viewpoints on the particular matter. And also helps to improve their writing abilities on examination because they get so man reference materials through which they can accept the ideas and write them in their own manner. More than 75%students use social media to present their skills. It really helped to encourage the creative talents of the young generation.
Also Read: 5 Lessons I’ve learned while creating a Wikipedia Page
Develops social behavior
Technology gives them real-life experience which is really necessary for students. They must understand the fact that what they are learning in books is really connected with real life. So by the social network, they will understand the world and people. They will get a chance to communicate with other students who belong to other country and understand the learning pattern of their country. By social network, they will get know new people and able to develop some communicative skill through messaging and transferring information. So class activity learning is not enough now a day they must get over all knowledge about the world and about society. Then only they can work for society and understand their responsibility towards the society.
Improves Pronunciation
As we know English is said to be communicative language because in every corner of the world one must be able to communicate in the English language. A technological device helps the students to understand the pronunciation and vocabulary of the language. Not only English they will get any language and they can correct their language pronunciation of that particular language. Students will be able to communicate and understand the ideas of the context and will result in improved pronunciation skill. This is really important in an educated person.
There is no doubt that technology makes an individual smart because there are so many elements which are really useful for a student. As the demand for technology increased so many applications are developed to attract the students as well as the teacher with learning oriented applications. So technology really useful for the students learning and it improves the quality of teaching and helps the students to reach their destination without must stress.
Author –bio:
I am Shawn Renfroe, working as a writer. I have written many unique articles. I use to write about some social and business relevant issues for educational uses. Establish some articles related to Personal guidance for new generation. The custom essay writing service helped me to compose numerous articles.