Have you ever thought – a good web host might not always be the right web host. Why? Because different needs require different kinds of websites.
Providing a stable server might be the focus for some web hosts while others might be good in certain areas, such as speed. You are not guaranteed a 100% satisfaction by a good west host.
You can make sure that your business stays online, the way you want it by being cautious and picky about your web host before you buy shared Linux hosting. It all starts by knowing the must-have features that you’ll need for a good web hosting for your business.
Critical features for small business web hosting services:
Affordable or Cheap Price – For small businesses, budget is always a big issue. In the first place, most owners will consider the overall cost of building a website.
Reliability – Every big thing starts small. The foundations that you must have to get your website bigger and better are – good reliability and higher uptime before you buy shared Linux hosting.
SSL Certificate – Trust for online websites can be generated through multiple factors. One of them, is SSL certificate, which, an absence can send away many potential customers.
Scalability – Your web host must be able to coup with your business as it will grow. Always start small with an affordable hosting and upgrade when your business takes off.
Backup Service – If you have a good amount of money at stake, it will be definitely hard to sleep. Whatever happens, you won’t lose your website, as assured by automated backup services.
Most companies offer four ways of shared hosting: shared, co-located hosting, VPS, dedicated hosting:
Shared hosting is the most popular option
Since it’s the cheapest, most people buy shared Linux hosting. It simply means that you’re sharing a server with other customers of your hosting provider. Giving you the opportunity to manage your server via control panel, the host manages the server. For those who are just starting and have small audiences – shared hosting is a solid deal. They should focus on more serious deals in the long run.
Co-location hosting
It is a service where someone else holds the server hardware that you provided and gives it an internet connection. Made up with resources which include a secure cage or cabinet, security and support, dedicated Internet connection, regulated power, he or she placed it in a secure facility.
Instead of locating it in their offices or warehouse where the potential for fire, theft or vandalism is much greater, these co-location facilities offer a secure place to physically house their hardware and equipment for the customer.
The provider is not responsible for the support and maintenance of your server in this scenario. Although most of them don’t, some providers offer maintenance services for additional cost.
Virtual private server (VPS)
Sold as a service by an Internet hosting service, it is a virtual machine. Users can install almost any software that runs on that OS, as a VPS runs its own copy of an operating system, and customers have super user-level access to that operating system.
Dedicated hosting
It refers to the service where you lease an entire server just for yourself. Full access to all its resources is given to you. As you wish – you can host one, two, three, as many sites on it. You own it here. This is the best solution for you – if you own a website that gets a lot of traffic and needs some serious disk space.
Although a bit more expensive, dedicated hosting deals are worth the money. Customers don’t need to worry about anything except what they’ll be posting on their site as providers usually offer full maintenance and over the clock support for customers who end up going for this sort of deal.
All these packages can be managed and unmanaged as per your wish unlike the case when you buy shared Linux hosting.
Never Go for Unlimited or Free Hosting Deals
Please don’t get suckered into paying for those so called “unlimited” deals irrespective of whatever type of hosting company or package you end up choosing. It’s of crucial importance to avoid free hosting providers also. A lot of reasons are responsible here. To tell you the truth, they’re not actually free at all.
Dedicated Servers > Shared Hosting
A dedicated service for the business is important because it’s a lot safer. You’re willing to pay the price for their mistakes if you end up sharing a server with someone when you buy shared Linux hosting. Your website will go down if these guys screw something up.
To the server – everyone is a potential security risk, and therefore, to you. There will be costs associated with downtime, the cleaning process, and recovering lost files if your website is hacked or the server goes down. You’ll have to hire someone to help you if you are not the tech-savvy person.
Security and Stability Above All
If you’re planning to setup a Word Press site, think about investing in security and stability as the first thing. A website should be hosted on servers that are not overloaded and balanced for each client at all times.
Access to all your data and files is just what you need most. You will be allowed to add a lot of features and updates to your cPanel by a good hosting provider. Before you decide to go with a certain web hosting company, be sure to have this in mind.
Whenever you wish -you need the freedom to make constant changes, add new plugins, install updates and change themes. This is something you don’t get when you buy shared Linux hosting.
It will be better and easier to choose the right web host when you understand your business and its needs in a better way.