Paying guest is accommodation for the people who live at distance from their house. This is private accommodation. It’s for both males and females. The large portion of the PG crowd amounts to students. They are of teen ages and require being extremely careful.
Here’s a list of points that a paying guest in Nagpur should keep in mind. They should check through the points while finalizing the PG for them.

Tips for Choose Safe Paying Guest Accommodation:
The license for running the PG depends on the place. Some, of the PG are securing this license. But, many are running the PG without any license. When, the PG is started with commercial purpose, and then it’s essential to secure the license.
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Agreement with the landowner
It’s good for both the owner and the tenant to draft an agreement between them. It protects both the parties from the legal battles if any in the future.
It’s advisable to notice on the following points on the agreement: –
- Both the parties name involved
- Description of the premises
- Advance deposited
- Monthly rent
- Time agreed for rent the place
These are the essential inquiries required to double check.
It’s for both male and female to choose the PG in a good locality. It’s advisable to look the PG in a good residential area. In the case of females leaving and entering late in a safe and friendly surrounding is better.
It can be a bonus for one to check the entrance of the room is from inside the main entrance. Separate entrance from outside the main gate boundaries needs more attention to be safe from criminals’ sight.
It sounds of minor details, but advisable to check the room lock and door quality.
Rent inclusive of power and water bills
The agreement signed states all the details between the two parties. But still, it’s wise to clear the charges of all the facilities provided should be inclusive in the rent. Sometimes, this reason creates issues and arguments in between. Taking the fact as easy later doubles your estimated budget to live in the place.
Right to hold the room keys
Now, this is one of the points need to be considered always. Many times, when the PG becomes familiar with the owner, he/she lives the room keys with the owner. The tenant must owe the valuable assets locked in the room. For, the safety purposes it’s nothing wrong to give the keys to the owner. But, point is to be noted that the owner shouldn’t possess the right to unlock the room at the tenant’s absence. The owner, in any case of emergency, should get permission from the tenant to unlock the door.
Police verification
It’s always wise to get the police verification for yourself. It’s a valid proof on your side tenant’s side that he/she was renting a room with the specified owner.
Security deposits
It is mentioned in the agreement about the advance deposit with the owner. The advance is deposited for security. In case, for any reason, the tenant leaves the room without prior notice, or they damage the owner’s property during a living period. This deposit is used as recovery against such faults. Such cases are mostly recorded in PG for boys.
The owner is liable to take the deposit. But, the tenant should be aware of the fact that the deposit can be paid maximum for two months. Mostly, it’s seen that only a month advance is paid against security.
No adjustments for the guest
It can be possible to rent a room for single or share a room with the partner. When, a room is shared by a partner or more, and then no other can occupy the vacant space in absence of any partner. Even, the owner can’t request to adjust their guest for any single night. Whatever, extent the owner is good with the tenant; the favor to adjust any outsider shouldn’t be done. This should be strictly obeyed in the PG for girls.
Water facility
It’s always promised the best by the owner during the agreement providing the best facilities. Water will be flowing 24 hours and there will be no restrictions to use whatever amount. But, later in many places, it has been noticed that after a few days or months there’re remains water problem. When a room is shared by others, it’s tough to get ready on time without a proper flow of water. When it’s a promise from the owner for the regular flow of water, it’s wise to check the water collecting facility. Like water tanks inside the washroom or on the terrace must be installed.
Meter boards
This is the most essential point to be noted. If it’s decided to pay the fixed amount against power bills, irrespective time for power used, then it’s better. But, in cases where the tenant needs to pay as per the power bill, the separate meter board is wise advice.